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April showers bring… snow plowers! The “snowpocalypse” of April 2018 has left Minnesotans feeling one of two ways:
- Embrace the snow in April and get outside on an adventure.

- Complain with angry Facebook posts about the weather reports and saying they’ve had enough with this snow. Typically this type of Facebook post features a large, intoxicating beverage of choice with a snow covered yard in the background.

We took option 1 and embraced the snow this weekend! When else will we be able to say we went snowshoeing in mid-April?

While out on a Costco run, I couldn’t help but enjoy the calm of the warehouse, as they posted “this lane closed” sign and had only 3 cashier lines open. For all our fellow Costco members, you know this never happens in Costco on a Saturday afternoon! There weren’t even samples per typical Saturday afternoons in Costco. That’s when you know the snow storm is serious. We had an adventure simply pushing the grocery cart through the parking lot. Maybe they will start to consider sled-carts for the next blizzard.

I suppose we took option 2 slightly too…since our Costco cart did include a pack of beer.

It’s very common for people to get stuck as close as one block from their home in this kind of weather. I thought we made it all season without getting stuck until it happened to us yesterday. While stopped at a red light at the busy intersection one block from our house, we were stuck, tires spinning and going nowhere. While Andy drove the car, I pushed from the passenger side to get it going. As the car began moving, it eventually got going faster than I could keep up! Soon, I was running after Andy driving in our car through a real busy intersection. He didn’t want to stop until he was through the light in fear of getting stranded in the middle of the intersection. I’m sure we provided some great entertainment for fellow Minnesotans. That mini snow venture got me geared up for the rest of our snow adventures this weekend!
All winter long we shoveled our driveway, while a broken snowblower sat in the garage. Finally, Andy figured with over a foot of snow expected, it was time to fix it up. Propane heater, beer, and tools in hand, the snowblower finally got some attention in mid-April.

We hit the trail Sunday afternoon to enjoy the fresh snow. There were some other fellow adventurers out including cross country skiers and fat tire bikers. It was so refreshing to see people out enjoying this unusual weather in mid-April! It reminded me of why Minnesotans are so great… we are the bold north and know how to make the most of it. The fresh snow was the heaviest we’ve gone through all winter long. The snow had Daisy belly deep but she didn’t give up. She embraced every moment of her snow adventure! Snowshoeing always leaves us feeling exhausted, but it’s such a good feeling to get out there in the freshly fallen snow and beauty all round.

I hope everyone was able to stay safe and enjoy the spring snow this weekend! It will be a memorable spring weekend no doubt, but I know we are looking forward to hiking on the muddy, wet spring trails soon to come! What spring adventures are you dreaming of?
Peace, love, and hike thru life!