In this episode, we talk with Barbara and Stephanie of Backpacking Moms. When you enter the world of parenting, it’s no doubt that hiking or any hobby for that matter will look different. It’s key during the early childhood stages that you introduce your children to your passions and your world, then adapt that passion to fit you and your little ones. That is exactly what Stephanie and Barbara are doing. We talk about how their friendship started and how Backpacking Moms got started. They share practical tips and advice on backpacking with young children and remind us that first-time parents often make it harder on themselves than it has to be! We also talk about some of their favorite hiking memories in their home countries. If you are a new parent who is needing some inspiration to get your little one out on the trail, this episode is for you!
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Links mentioned in this episode:
- Website: backpackingmoms.com
- Facebook group: facebook.com/groups/backpackingmoms
- Instagram: @backpackingmoms