This is our first extensive cross country road trip with our dog Daisy.  We did take Daisy down to Georgia this past December for a week, but this summer road trip will be two months.  We are used to camping at secluded campsites with Daisy in Minnesota. We go to places like this because it’s meditative for her as well as meditative for us.  We don’t need to be dog aware constantly. We are trying
2019 Summer Road Trip, Our Adventures
*This post contains affiliate links.  We earn a small percentage of qualifying sales at no extra cost to you.The beauty about hiking is that everyone has differing levels and those levels can be adapted on any trail, push your limits as you see fit. After driving in the car for 3 days and not getting too much exercise, we felt it was time to push our limits and do a longer hike.We hiked Archer’s Fork
2019 Summer Road Trip, Day Hiking, Our Adventures
The beauty of this road trip is that we had no plans, new adventures come with each day. Well, we did have one thing planned. We needed to pick up some business cards we got printed for free in Cleveland, Ohio. So far our days have been waking up in our Subaru Tribeca home, moving things around in order to drive, and hitting the road east with the end goal of Maine in mind.  While
2019 Summer Road Trip, Day Hiking, Our Adventures
We dream about van life, road tripping, a lifestyle of living on the road, whatever you want to call it. The reality is that we are still homeowners and we aren’t becoming nomads on the road as our life. So with not living out of our vehicle full-time but needing something to comfortably sleeping in for the next couple of months, purchasing a new vehicle for our summer road trip didn’t make sense.The next best
2019 Summer Road Trip, Our Adventures
After many conversations with Sarah’s aunt Kathy expressing an interest in trying out backpacking, we made it into a reality. On a weekend in the middle of June, we had the pleasure of guiding Sarah’s aunt on her first-ever backpacking experience. It was powerful, brought us closer, and pushed us to challenges and experiences people don’t share anywhere else but the wilderness. It was the perfect introduction to backpacking and we are so grateful to
Our Adventures, Wilderness Backpacking
podcast cover photo
In this episode, we talk about a trip to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW).  We took two couples with us for their first time to the BWCAW.  Listen to their reactions as we talk with them around the fire at the campsite in our “Fire Talk Chats” segment.  They shared some of their experiences, lessons learned, connections made, and laughter.  Be sure to grab the below items mentioned in the episode (links below)
Boundary Waters, Podcast
Road trip planning, especially for a longer trip, takes some time and discipline. Planning a road trip has been an all year “to do” activity of ours, from keeping our finances in check to gathering food that is on sale and thinking about where we might want to go. This road trip started as a seemingly unattainable dream of ours. However, we kept talking about it over the last couple of years and the desire to
2019 Summer Road Trip, Our Adventures
Many people have family traditions over the 4th of July.  Some people enjoy crowds of people at a fireworks show preceded by a day of grilling, beer drinking, a parade, and a bonfire surrounded by family/friends. While this is enjoyable and we love a good beer around a campfire with loved company, we started developing a little tradition of our own that takes us to what we love: an adventure outdoors.We spent 5 days in
Our Adventures, Wilderness Backpacking
Fall in Minnesota is one of the most beautiful times to go hiking, but it is also quick to come and go. For this reason, it seems fall brings the most hiking traffic to the trails. Or perhaps this is just the case when you hike the beautiful Bean and Bear Lake section of the Superior Hiking Trail in Silver Bay, MN. It’s inspiring to get out there and see all of the people making
Our Adventures, Wilderness Backpacking
Camping is a gift that is often times passed down as a tradition from family members. We are both grateful to have been gifted the love of camping from each of our families.We were fortunate to spend a weekend in early August at Sibley State Park with Sarah’s family, including her 88-year-old grandparents. You may remember our blog post from 2 years ago where we did something similar at Schroder County Park. Two years later, they
Campground Camping, Day Hiking, Family, Our Adventures

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