Let the Adventures Begin!

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It’s no question that life is crazy. I like to compare life to a hike, you never know what turn it may take, what’s coming up next,  or what direction to go in…(well, maybe just for those directionally challenged!) The important thing is to make sure you have a sense of where you’re going in life or on your hike. With a compass and map in hand or a best friend by your side, life can’t be all that bad.


Andy and I recently went on a weekend backpacking trip to Rum River Sate Forest. If you looked that up on a map…well, keep looking. It’s at the end of a long dirt road. The only other sign of human life we passed along the dirt road was a man in his pick up truck who look like he’d been camped out there for days. Oops, I’m not writing a horror blog, I’ll stop now! (However, the truth is I felt as if we were driving into the Blair Witch Project part 2.) As we drove down that road, I thought to myself I was going to be chased by the stranger in the pick up truck or eaten by a bear, especially as Andy said “This is bear country, Sarah!”


With Andy’s confidence and compass in hand, I was able to ease up, put my pack on, and trek through the long prairie grass. Having a confident pet friend is helpful along the trail too! Daisy is a Texas Heeler (Australian Shepherd/Heeler mix) who leads us on most of our camping adventures. (Andy found a way to balance his time between two ladies when I entered his life!) We love having her on the trail because she will frighten away any critters (bears!) that come onto our path.


Even just being a football field away from the car, I felt out of my comfort zone…there were no other humans besides the two of us, and we were surrounded by wild life (only eagles and swans in sight, but sounds of wolves!) and dense Jurassic Park looking forests. There was no other perfect way to ease me into the real back-country style of Minnesota’s state forests.


We can all relate to being just a “football field away” in life. When we step out of our comfort zone, life begins to unfold experiences you could never imagine. Despite being just a football field out of my comfort zone in the back country, it taught me I wanted to seek more experiences similar to this – being in nature is where I can ease my mind and simply… just be.


What’s your example of being a football field away?

If you had a hard time thinking of an example, next time you are feeling “out of your comfort zone” I challenge you to embrace it, throw that football, and chase it down the field. You never know what you might learn, you might just score a touchdown of an experience.

Peace, love, and hike thru life!

Sarah & Andy

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