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This week’s blog post is about a hike off the trails, a hike thru our nation’s capital. One which can take us for politics, food, beer… and heat!

I strongly believe that the best way to see a city is from a local. By seeing a city thru the local’s eyes you get to hear the rich history of what made that city, hear about their experience growing up/living in that city, and check out the local hot spots.

I am fortunate enough to have friends spread cross country which I have made over the years, mostly in past long term travels.

It’s amazing how after so many years of not seeing one another, a friend is still willing to open his/her house up to you. We were happy to spend the weekend with Elyse and see what DC is all about for the locals.

A delicious and new place in DC we checked out was Harper Macaw chocolate factory. It was a tasteful experience, to say the least! We learned how to taste chocolate, with all 5 senses….listening included.

I learned, from the founder herself of Harper Macaw, chocolate should make a cracking noise, and if it does not, you’re missing some quality in that bar. It’s important to take at least two separate bites of the chocolate before you make your final decision of liking the chocolate or not.

I like to apply this rule when approaching all experiences in life. Take two bites, give each new experience two tries, before you decide it’s fit for you or not. I know I’ve been guilty of giving up after one try in situations. Go ahead, take the two bite experience.
The product design for Harper Macaw is cleverly aligned with our nation’s capital as well. Make sure to check this place out if you visit DC!

In between chocolate tasting and delicious food eating, we did see some important monuments and a museum. One which particularly spoke to me was the Martin Luther King memorial. A memorial with many powerful quotes by MLK himself. In thinking about all the acts of hate and violence we have seen in our world so recently, this quote can speak strongly to many.

Washington, D.C. Is awesome for the craft beer scene as well. Some of our favorite stops included: DC Brau, Right Proper, and the Walrus Oyster & Ale House.
Walrus Oyster & Ale House DC Brau Right Proper
This week is a milestone week for us, as a couple, we are coming up on the one year mark of the day we met each other. Just three weeks after our first date we were on our first camping and hiking trip together… And here we are today!
Thinking back on all the memories we’ve made, how far we’ve come, and thinking about what the future will bring, brings a simplistic smile to my face.

If you’re reading this, I challenge you to think and remind yourself – all life’s events come as they should. You cannot rush time, be patient, be thoughtful, be kind, and be you. All will follow after that.

Peace, love, and hike thru life!